Kids’ Table provides free, year-round, healthy meals for children age 5 or under (pre-school ages).
Pickup is every Tuesday between 11:30am-1:30pm at our base location, 3607 FM 1960, Humble, TX 77338.

Based on your eligibility, we will provide enough food for 1 week of breakfast and lunch per child.
Receiving our meals will not impact any other benefits you receive.


Do you have a child in the home age 5 or under?

If yes, proceed to question 2.

Do you qualify for Medicaid, TANF, SNAP, or WIC?

If yes, proceed to question 3.

Do you have transportation to our pick-up location?

Located at 3607 F.M. 1960 Rd., Humble, TX 77338.

If yes, proceed to next step.

Fill out our application and email it to us at


Have questions?

Call 713-446-5381 | Monday-Friday 10AM-2PM